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The Worlds First Productive!

Costa Ballena United

Empowered Community Starts with Cooperative Technology!

Change is as simple as each person finding one project that ignites them, and choose to get involved!

"Costa Ballena Can be seen as a light to the world"

"We Provide the tools and opportunities for a youth-led-local-first-community-culture to be created in any region of the world in 90 days or less, and Costa Ballena is our model region and is officially launching March 2023!

- SustainablE - Regenerative - Local First


A better way of life in Costa Ballena in every way, starting with technology, food, transportation, recycling systems, and education.


To free Costa Ballena from the slavery of modern technology while empowering them to make a difference in their community


To cooperatively address our societies issues in a democratic way that allows for participation from everyone in real time notification free.


Culture is honoring the past present and future. It is up to us to create Culture together. We intend to foster a culture of caring about your community.

"By empowering our youth to take on the challenges and issues that prior generations have created or ignored, we give the most important asset we have (Our Kids) the resources to put their energy to use for all of us to benefit from. Best of all they are eager to do it."

Be The Change You Want to See In The World!

We exist to insure that technology is uniting us instead of dividing us, and working for us to help create a sustainable and regenerative future which assists all of the region's including groups like yours in working together acting as one to become a force for positive change to be reckoned with and together build a community that is seen as an example and a light to the world!"

So what's the first step? 

It All Starts With Cooperative Community Owned Technology


2 Systems
Jan 2022 .Life Screenshot.png
Private Search Engine and Content Host
Screenshot 2022-07-19 095533.png
Private Regional Polling Software and Teaching Platform

A Complete Replacement to the Top 20 Major Websites that control us. If searching locally, more accurate than Google, but without ads, or distractions returning results on just 3 characters, and allows hotels and tour operators to post their own booking links without commissions moving towards free central booking systems.

Cooperation Creates Leverage For Families And Businesses!
When like-minded people put a small piece of their financial resources into eliminating the primary cost of living for all, then and only then are we free to create Eden of this Earth together!

Preview of 3 of 12 Example Projects


Precious Plastics

Recycling Centers

Small plastic collection centers to start in each town, assisted by the community collection efforts and a shredder in each location make central pick up and distribution of raw materials possible, and allows the money to go back to a micro recycling center for all materials in each town.

The schools in each town benefit the most in each town where it was collected. Education about reduction will be a big part of the focus.


Centers will Organize Beach Clean Ups and education to make sure we are not increasing the value of plastics and encouraging the families of the town to use more.

$5K Per Center


Community Gardens & Food Forest

Community Gardens give us the opportunity to connect to the soil and contribute in a way that benefits us all. When you get involved in a community garden the rewards are far greater than the food it produces. Each community member is also assisted with growing at their own home with access to classes from local experts.

In addition, members are assisted with placement of their products with local markets and assisted with meeting quality standards through central kitchens for those making products that easily expire and need locally grown food to produce them.

Each Green House will be built from a kit diagram that can be copied or ordered. 

$250 per location


Free Public Transportation

Transportation is the #1 expense we all face when traveling to Costa Rica. This is also true for the locals as vehicles and motorcycles are very expensive here. Imagine affordable transportation is the key to attracting tourism of the future and solving now sustainably is a brilliant strategy forward. 

Imagine Buses every hour for FREE going each direction. Only 4 Busses running on Cooking oil, selling advertising to local businesses to make it sustainable.

We would also offer incentives for Taxis to convert to Collectivo Style Services. These services drive main routes and pick up multiple people along the way for a flat 500 Colones.


Per Bus

CBCS Projects

Get To Know Us Better!

Costa Ballena United is the world's first "La Productiva which is s a new type of organization, that is all about bringing the community together for sustainable regenerative projects. We do this in a grassroots effort that reduces the cost of living for everyone while protecting the environment and intentional development of thee community while empowering youth leaders to create real change without the nonprofit management challenges using world class technology as the management to organize the community in a simple and productive way. 

Contributions are all currently going through the Costa Ballena Times or this website if you wish to use a credit card. You may also give through if you want to donate CryptoCurrency.

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